Privacy Policy

Effective date: 30 April,2024
Dreampic (“we”, “us”, “our”) recognizes the importance of maintaining your privacy. We value your privacy and appreciate your trust in us. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how we treat user information we collect through our app (collectively the “Platforms”). This Policy governs the information collection and process practices for the Platforms. By downloading, using and/or accessing our services through the Platforms, you expressly consent to the information practices described in this Policy. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY TERM IN THIS POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SERVICES.

Face Data Policy
What face data is our app collecting?
We analyze users' photos and find out the feature points (like eyes, nose, mouth points) of the face in photo for face processing purpose. We do not collect face data. After the analyzing process ends all data will be deleted, no data will be saved.

For what purposes are we collecting this information? 
 In order to provide users their "Change face" effects, the app needs to find out the feature points (like eyes, nose, mouth points). The complete process is: (1) You transfer pictures to our server. (2) The server analyzes your photo and returns the result of facial data processing. (3) The application automatically synthesizes the facial data processing results and materials into the final effect. (4) This information is temporarily stored in Amazon Web Service encrypted storage. After the synthesis process is completed, your pictures will be automatically deleted immediately.

Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?  The data will not be shared with any third parties. The photos you uploaded will be deleted after the analyzing process ends.

What Information We Collect Contact information. When you log in with an account of a third-party media website, we will collect your account information of such third-party website, which generally includes account name, email address, phone number and region.

Information about your use of the Platforms. We may collect information about your activity on the platform, mainly including what information you click on, browse, download, share, and your search activity records, or any other information provided during your use of our services, so that we could provide you with the functions of the platform.

Device and log information.  When you use our services through the platform, in order to optimize your user experience, we make sure everything operates smoothly, securely, and your account security is protected In order for us to do the above we will collect your device and log information as follows: device model, the language set up on your phone, countries on mobile phones, Ad ID, operating system and system version number, international mobile equipment identity (IMEI), login IP address, software version number, method, type and status of access to the network, network quality data, operation log, service log information.

Feedback information. When you contact us for feedback or customer service, we will collect the information and material that you submitted, your contact information (such as your phone number, email address), so that we could contact you and answer your questions or provide other services to you. If you cease to consent or affirmatively revoke consent for our collection, use or disclosure of your or device data, we (and any third party with whom you have contracted to serve advertising) promptly cease all such use.

As soon as Dreampic allows any purchases, we may collect personal information and details associated with your purchases, including payment information. In some cases, you may need to provide us with additional information to verify your identity before completing a transaction. Any payments made via our Services are processed by third-party payment processors. We do not directly collect or store any payment card information entered through our Services, but we may receive information associated with your payment card information (e.g., your billing details).

Which permissions we might ask you to authorize
In order to provide you with high quality products and services and improve your experience with our platform, we may ask you to authorize the corresponding terminal device permissions in the following additional services we provide to you. We collect the following permissions and corresponding information following the criterion of minimal data collection with your consent:
• Camera permissions: for video shooting;
• Read and write external memory card: for reading and writing files on external memory card for video editing;
• Receive notification messages: used to receive messages;
• Gets the current network status: to alert users whether they are currently using the mobile network or determine whether a user's WiFI network is available;
• Face recognition: For specific theme template editing and short video production

services, Our app collects the avatar photos you’ve uploaded or shot. To use some functions of the theme templates that need face matting, you can voluntarily permit our app to access the camera or photo album to obtain photos from your mobile device. Only after you confirm your permission, can our app access your camera and photo album. When you use some face recognition functions (including but not limited to theme templates), we automatically captures the positions and shapes of your five sense organs, analyzes the facial feature information, stores such information on our server for photo processing, and returns the renderings to you. We will not store your processed photos, facial feature information, or renderings, or share them with any third party. Such information is processed only to run the face recognition function and provide you with better renderings.

• You can check the status of the above permissions in the system settings of your terminal device, and you can turn on or off any or all above permissions at your own discretion at any time. Please note that when you open any permission, it means that you authorize us to collect and use the personal information corresponding to the permission to provide you with the above corresponding services. Once you turn off any permission, it means that you cancel or revoke the authorization of the permission, and we will no longer continue to collect and use the corresponding personal information based on this permission, nor will we be able to provide you with the services corresponding to this permission. However, your decision to turn off the permissions will not affect the previous collection and use of information based on your previous authorization.

• To order for you to share your video to other platforms, we will use Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp.

• Our product integrates Facebook SDK
How We Collect Your Information 
We collect information directly from you. We collect information directly from you when you register an account or use the services on the platform.
We collect information from you passively. We use tracking tools like Google Analytics, browser cookies and web beacons (see below for details) for collecting information about your usage of our platform.
We get information about you from third parties. when you log in with an account of a third-party media website, the third-party media website will give us certain information about you. This could include your name and email address.

How We Use Your Personal Information  We may use the information you have provided pursuant to this Policy to provide our products and services, for advertising, or to communicate with you. Specifically, we may use your information for the following purposes:

• We use information to provide the services on our Platforms and as described here For example, we may use your information to help you create your account, and help you access your account, or if you forget your password. You can also use the Platforms to upload and edit videos or pictures, etc. • We use information to process and respond to your inquires or to request your feedback. 

• We use information to improve our products and services.  We use your information to help us create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products and services. For example, we might look at usage trends to make sure the platform is easy to use.

• We use information for security purposes.    We may use information for account and network security purposes, including in order to protect our services for the benefit of all our users, and pre-screening or scanning uploaded content for potentially illegal content. We may use your information for authentication, monitoring account and transaction risks, detection and security prevention, fraud monitoring, archive backup, customer security services, etc.

• We use information for marketing purposes.  We might send you information about special promotions or offers. We might also tell you about new features or products. These might be our own offers or products, or third-party offers or products we think you might find interesting. Or, for example, if you subscribe from us we'll enroll you in our newsletter.

• We use information to send important notices,    such as alerts about your account and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.

• We store and maintain your information for our legal obligations.  For example, we may record, audit, analyze and dispose your information according to applicable laws in case of emergency.

Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies  When you use our services, certain information may be stored locally on your mobile device using “cookies” or similar technologies such as Google Analytics and web beacons.

A cookie is a small text file or data file used to store limited information about the user of the device and is stored on your device. “Cookies” are identifiers we transfer to your computer or mobile device that allow us to recognize your computer or device and tell us how and when the Services or website are used or visited, by how many people and to track movements within our website. Cookies also link to information regarding what items you have clicked or pages you have viewed. Cookies are also used to deliver content specific to your interest and to monitor website usage. It helps us to identify how our users use our services and so that we can continuously evolve and improve it. We use information collected from cookies to improve users' experience and the overall quality of our services. If you are uncomfortable with cookies, you can decline cookies at any time by modifying your browser settings. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. You can set your browser to decline all cookies automatically or to prompt you for a response each time a cookie is offered.

Pixels (aka web beacons/web bugs/java script) 
Pixels are tiny graphics with a unique identifier that are used to track the online movements of web users. Unlike cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, pixels are small graphics that are about the size of the period at the end of the sentence that are embedded invisibly on web pages or in HTML-based emails. We may use other technologies such as web beacons to help deliver cookies on our Platforms and count users who have visited our websites. Our third-party analytics provider may place pixels on our services that track what other websites you visit (both before and after visiting the platform)

Retention of Your Information 
We retain personal information for as long as necessary to provide our services or fulfill the original or directly related purpose for which such information was collected, or for other business purposes such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements. We are required by law to keep some types of information for certain periods of time (e.g. statute of limitations). If your personal information is no longer necessary for the legal or business purposes for which it is processed, we will generally destroy or anonymize that information.

How We Share Your Information  
We never sell any personal information to third parties, although it may be shared only when necessary to perform a legitimate business function.
We may share your necessary personal information data to third-party service providers to help us deliver and improve products, services, marketing, push/deliver notification bar message, and to help you to share content to third-parties media website, log in through a third-party account, and other legitimate business functions. We will confirm on what basis each third-party will use your personal information and we will ensure that there are adequate safeguards and processes in place to protect your personal data.
We will disclose or transfer your Information, only if required to do so by law, or we have acquired consent from you, or in the good faith belief that any such action is necessary to: (a) comply with any legal requirements or comply with the legal process served on us or the Platforms; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of us; and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our users, or the general public.
We will not share, transfer or disclose your personal information in way of violating this Policy or applicable laws. In the event of a transfer of information that may result from a possible merger, division, acquisition, asset sale, or bankruptcy liquidation by us, we will require the successor to protect your personal information in accordance with laws, regulations and standards not lower than those set forth in this Policy.

How We Protect Your Information  

We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have put in place reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from your using of our services on the platform. We will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal information.
We review our strategies and update as necessary to meet our business needs, changes in technology, and regulatory requirements. These measures include, but are not limited to, technical and organizational security policies and procedures, security controls and employee training. For example, when you send or receive data from Dreampic, we make sure they are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer ("SSL") or other algorithms.
If we become aware of any breach that affects the security of your personal information, we will provide you with notice as required by applicable laws. By using the platform, you agree to accept those notices electronically.

Your Rights 
If you would like further information in relation to your legal rights under applicable law or would like to exercise any of them, please contact us using the information in the “How to Contact Us” section below at any time. Your local laws may permit you to request that we:
• provide access to and/or a copy of certain information we hold about you
• prevent the processing of your information for direct marketing purposes (including any direct marketing processing based on profiling)
• update information which is out of date or incorrect
• delete certain information which we are holding about you
• restrict the way that we process and disclose certain of your information
• transfer your information to a third party provider of services
• revoke your consent for the processing of your information
We will consider all requests and provide our response within the time period stated by applicable laws. Please note, however, that certain information may be exempt from such requests in some circumstances, which may include if we need to keep processing your information for our legitimate interests or to comply with a legal obligation. We may request you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity before responding to your request.
You may contact us to cancel your account on our platform. After the account is canceled, all videos works and other contents posted or uploaded by the account will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered, and cancellation will prevent you from using the most parts of our services, so please carefully consider before actual operation.

California Privacy Rights
If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information.
“Sales” of Personal Information under the CCPA. For purposes of the CCPA, Dreampic does not “sell” personal information, nor do we have actual knowledge of any “sale” of personal information of minors under 16 years of age.
Non-Discrimination. California residents have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of their rights conferred by the CCPA.
Authorized Agent. Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. To designate an authorized agent, please contact us as set forth below.
Verification. The safety and security of your information also depends on you. When you make a request, we will ask you to provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative, which may include confirming the email address associated with any personal information we have about you.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our App. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the App.
If you are a California resident and would like to exercise any of your rights under the CCPA, please contact us. We will process such requests in accordance with applicable laws.

Your Nevada Privacy Rights
If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain personal information to third parties who intend to license or sell that personal information. You can exercise this right by contacting us as set forth below with the subject line “Nevada Do Not Sell Request” and providing us with your name and the email address associated with your account. Please note that we do not currently sell your personal information as sales are defined in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 603A.

European Union Residents Privacy Rights
If you are a resident of the European Union, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country. You may have certain additional rights with respect to your personal information under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (the “GDPR”). Nothing in this Agreement affects your rights to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.
You may contact us at to exercise any of the above rights. We may request specific information from you to confirm your identity, and in some circumstances, we may charge a reasonable fee for access to your information.
If you believe that our processing of your information is inconsistent with your data protection rights under the GDPR and we have not adequately addressed your concerns, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority of your country.
Children’s Privacy
General age limitation. The App is not directed at children under the age of 13, and our Terms of Use do not allow children under 13 years of age to use the App. If we learn that we have collected personal information of a child under the age of 13, we will delete it. We encourage parents with concerns to contact us.
Age limitation for EU residents and California Residents. Due to requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and California Consumer Privacy Act you shall be at least 16 years old in order to use our Services. To the extent prohibited by applicable law, we do not allow use of the Service by the EU residents and California residents younger than 16 years old, unless with the parent’s/guardian’s permission as provided above.
If we unintentionally collect personal data, find any content with, or related to a child under age 13 (or 16 in the EU and California), we will delete such information as quickly as possible.
Modification of This Policy

The effective date of this Policy is set forth at the top of this webpage. We reserve the right to amend this Policy at any time with or without notice and will place any updates on this webpage. The amended Policy supersedes all previous versions. Your continued use of products and services on our platform will be taken as acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us In App
If you have any question / complain / suggestion / request regarding this Policy, you may use our customer service and give your feedback by clicking “Settings”- “Contact Us” within the app.

Contact Us
5005 NEWPORT LLC is the controller of your personal information. If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this privacy statement, or to exercise the rights detailed in this privacy statement, please contact us at

Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
lllinois USA